Welcome to Bushey Miniature Railway
Sadly, due to bereavement, the Bushey Miniature Railway has had to be dismantled as the land is going to have some new owners. We laid the first track back in September 2017 and went on to complete a wonderful railway on which we had a lot of fun. We've learnt a lot and plan to use our experience to rebuild the railway at a new location where we have more room to realise all our future plans.
Meanwhile my son and I will be out and about with our 2 locos visiting clubs around the country so we hope to see you soon.
We'd like to say thankyou to all the companies and individuals who helped us along the way: (please click on their names for more information)
Barbara Siddall - without whom none of this would have been possible.
All of our partners and family who have been so understanding about our obsession.
PNP Railways - Suppliers of our track
Cromer White - Suppliers of our track
Brockwell Park Miniature Railway - A great little railway and really helped us in the early days of the build
Maxitrack - Suppliers of our first Loco and drivers truck
Station Road Steam - Suppliers of our passenger carriage
Ollie Simons - Sold us our second loco (still going strong)
Richard Miller - Expert point maker (now retired)
Miniature Railway Magazine - David Henshaw did an amazing feature on our build
The Miniature Railway Supply Co - Suppliers of curved track panels and signage
The Bath & West Railway - Loads of friendly advice and a wonderful club
Phoenix Model Engineering Society - Expert guidance when we first started
Bushey residents who kindly offered their help - thankyou to all that helped
We will keep this website open and will update it with any news on the new railway as soon as we have it.
The Bushey Miniature Railway is a 5 inch gauge miniature railway in Herts near London UK.
The 210m journey winds through old trees, over bridges and through 'tunnels' of undergrowth in the garden of an old Georgian house built in 1816.
The railway is still very much a work in progress as there is still much to do, but the main loop of track which enables trains to complete entire journey around the garden is now complete as well as a 15m section that goes over the old pond.
We have recently been featured in a 9 page article in 'Miniature Railway' magazine. Download the full article here.

Take a trip around the Bushey Miniature Railway. The journey consists of 3 loops around the track taking alternative routes each time.
In August 2019 we took delivery of our first Loco, an electric Maxitrack Planet and drivers truck, and will soon be adding a passenger carriage, so any visitors will soon be free to come for a ride (for a small donation towards the railway).
Owners of locos are of course welcome or bring their own loco / rolling stock to try out the track.
Check out our gallery page for recent photos or the history page which describes the story of the railways construction so far.
If you are a visiting loco owner please read the specs page for details of suitability as some of our radii and clearances are quite tight. You may also be interested in our 'News' page, where you can read about the latest work on the railway also about our various trips to other miniature railways in the UK.
BMR News - Keep upto date with our progress and read about other railways we have visited...
If you want to help at the Bushey Miniature Railway in Herts, please go to our Volunteer page for more details. We are situated in the heart of Bushey Village with easy links to Watford, St Albans, Radlett, Harrow and London.