Sadly, due to bereavement, the Bushey Miniature Railway has had to be dismantled as the land is going to have some new owners.
The first track panels started to be lifted on the 3rd Dec 2022, The 1 year anniversary of my mothers death, which we thought was quite fitting. My mother donated her garden to our project and although it was difficult to navigate our way through parts of the garden that were very important to her, she allowed us enough room to realise our dream.
The final track was lifted on the 11th Dec 2022. We are keeping all the track panels, points and signalling to reuse on the new railway we plan to build as soon as we find a suitable location
We laid the first track back in September 2017 and we've learnt a lot and plan to use our experience to rebuild the railway where we have more room to realise all our future plans. We'd like to say thankyou to all the companies and individuals who helped us along the way:

Barbara Siddall - without whom none of this would have been possible. All of our partners and family who have been so understanding about our obsession. PNP Railways Cromer White Brockwell Park Miniature Railway Maxitrack Station Road Steam Ollie Simons
Richard Miller Miniature Railway Magazine The Miniature Railway Supply Co
The Bath & West Railway
Phoenix Model Engineering Society
Bushey residents who kindly offered their help. We will keep this website open and will update it with any news on the new railway as soon as we have it.